Bringing Back Human Interaction to the Workplace

Technology can’t solve everything. Digitization in the workplace is a great game-changer, but how is it affecting the general work experience of your employees?

Digital platforms are replacing human interaction, which, on a surface level, is a positive shift. At the same time, employee engagement is declining worldwide, and loneliness is considered a “serious public health problem.”

Loneliness in the workplace stunts productivity, complicates teamwork, and is often a driving factor behind quitting.

Human connection in the office should be heading for a comeback.

According to one study, a few moments of conversation between co-workers improves their performance by 20%.

Millennials are now the largest generation in the U.S. labor force, and they care about connection. Many millennials prefer working in an office to telecommuting, and face-to-face meetings to emails.

This is important data, because many younger employees lack attachment to their workplace. According to studies, they are more likely to leave within 5 years than to stay.

It's not just about millennials though. Research states that a face-to-face conversation is 34 times more effective than an email thread. Conversations leave less room for miscommunication, and foster higher engagement.

In the context of HR, encouraging a company culture of human interaction can be a game-changer.

Comfy, open seating areas with couches or coffee stations make an office a better space to work in. Spontaneous meet-ups result in spontaneous collaboration and organic brainstorming.

Friendships between co-workers result in employee investment. Natural conversations generate better team players and higher productivity.

Small changes can go a long way. Phone calls are more personable and effective than emails. Friendly gestures, such as birthday cards or a box of donuts, cultivate a work culture of human connection.

Tech solutions continue revolutionizing the workforce. As for employee engagement and satisfaction, well, that’s a choice for your company to make.

( Made with Carrd )